Compounding Chemist, aims to acknowledge all formal write complaints within 2 working days and to respond to all formal written complaints within 28 working days of receiving them.

In the event of anyone wishing to complain to the organisation they should be directed to make their complaint to the organisation at:

By telephone: 020 3773 2729

By email:

By post: HUB-30 Londoneast-UK Business and Technical Park, Yew Tree Avenue, Dagenham, London, RM10 7FN

To help us respond and resolve your complaint as quickly as possible, please provide us with the following information:

Full name and date of birth

Telephone number

Details of your compliant

Any actions to taken to date to resolve the complaint

We will investigate your complaint thoroughly and provide a detailed response as soon as possible. If for any reason we are unable to meet the above timeframes, we will let you know and provide an estimated date for our response.